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New Meetup: Introduction to Meditation and Christian Mysticism class series

From: Johanna K.
Sent on: Friday, March 27, 2009, 11:14 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Meditation & Inner Spirituality Group - New Haven!

What: Introduction to Meditation and Christian Mysticism class

When: Six consecutive Tuesday evenings at 7:30 PM, beginning March 31, 2009

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: This is a powerful 6-week introductory course designed for modern mystics. Classes will include teachings on: the Inner Spiritual Path, Meditation, Soul, Light, Prayer and Blessing. Time will be spent teaching the principles of meditation that will allow you to move deeper than the body, beyond thinking and emotions, and into the reality of God's peace and presence within. In each class we explore three areas:

1) Understanding the universe materially and spiritually, the Laws and Beings that govern it, and our roles as living, conscious humans in that cosmos

2) Spiritual exercises designed to help you develop skills needed for inner work

3) Hands-on experiences, through which you can learn to see, hear, and feel the spiritual world

For those of you who have attended other meditation classes with us, you will find that this class is considerably deeper and more intense. Completion of this series can lead into more advanced classes for those who are interested. If you are looking for a meditation and spirituality class that has real substance, this is the one for you. Please RSVP only if you plan to come to all six classes (one class may be made up at a later time, if there is no way around it).
There is no charge for this class, but RSVP is required. Late admittance may be permissible (after the first week of the class), but check with the organizer to be sure.

Learn more here:

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