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New meet ups

From: Becky
Sent on: Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 11:59 AM

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to say how thrilled I am at how many new members we have and how many new faces we have seen at recent meet ups. That being said, it seems our waiting lists keep growing and we have members in many different neighborhoods. We would love to be able to include more knitters, but our current group leaders can only host so many groups.

If you have had trouble getting into a group or live in a different neighborhood than our currently scheduled groups, we don't want you to be left out! This is just a reminder that if you have an idea for a group and would like to host even one time, email us and we can post the group for you. If it works out and you would like to keep hosting, or even be another co-leader, we can help with that, too. 

Hosting a group is actually really easy. You don't have to do anything special. Just pick a place you like and show up with your yarn. We have so many great members and many of us have developed strong friendships and knitting/crocheting skills through this group. For a few of us, it all started by hosting just one group! It is definitely worth it!

We look forward to hearing your ideas and posting some new groups!


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