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What we’re about

Have you been married, involved with, worked for, lived with, related to or even associated with an emotionally manipulative personality or someone with a true narcissist personality? I bet it was one of the darkest and most difficult times of your life. Relationships like these cause low self esteem, low self worth, difficulty making decisions, fear of moving forward, insufficient self care, difficulties in other relationships. 

This group is designed for those who have been effected by narcissism, emotional abuse, and toxic relationships in their past and who are striving to stand up after the tear down. Learn how to take care of yourself, make yourself a priority, take pride in who you are, and be who you were meant to be! 

This is a POSITIVE and empowering group lead by a recovered narcissistic relationship graduate. Here in this group we concentrate on forward motion and spend time on awareness understanding and healing. 

We have spent enough time on the toxic people in our lives NOW it is time to concentrate on YOU!!!

Make yourself the priority of your own life.

You can reach me in several ways if you have questions. Follow this link to download and take my "Toxicity Profile Analysis to evaluate which areas of toxicity you are having the most struggle with. After taking it you can submit it to my office for evaluation and schedule a follow-up  to go over your personal level of the effects the toxic relationship has had on your life. Sometimes it helps to understand why you are feeling the way you are and how to take the first step forward to becoming "you" again. (Follow up appointments do have an office fee however it has been the best step for many to get moving in the right direction.)

You can also follow me on facebook: 

It is my mission to make aware as many as I can about the toxic relationship, provide programs to educate and strengthen the confidence and self worth in those who have been torn down, and be a happy inspiration of hope to those yet trapped within the cycle!

Looking forward to hearing your story,

dr heidi