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[Fwd: Freethought lunch]

From: David D.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 2:39 AM
Hello again,

Just wanted to let you all know how our lunch went....I'm forwarding a 
copy of our discussion list email.  Hope to see you at one of our events 
and please sign up for the discussion list if you'd like 


-------- Original Message --------

Hi everyone,
Jim, Garrett, Barbi, and I had a nice lunch today at India 
Pavilion...after a bit of confusion about the tables (we were initially 
at two tables in different rooms...sorry Jim).

We talked about having future meetings in the evenings at 6pm, and 
Irving's was suggested as a good location to meet, probably in the room 
downstairs with the fireplace.  We didn't pick an actual date, so how 
does the 3rd Thursday of the month sound?  We talked about waiting until 
January for our next meeting because of the holidays and that puts it 
just after the next term starts.  Although, I'd still like to try to 
meet in December if we can...we could make it an early solstice dinner 
or something :)  Any other suggestions?  Is once a month right for now?

We also talked about some things we'd like to do at our meetings: 
general discussion, book discussions, watch DVDs, activist type things 
like letters to the editor, etc.  I started a list on the yahoo group 
(here <https://groups.yah...;­) that 
anyone can edit.  Please add to it if you'd like.

As far as book discussions, we talked about picking one to discuss at 
our meeting in January.  So, I also started a freethought book list at 
the above link.  At this point it's just a list of the pile of books on 
my reading list :).  Feel free to add to it also.  Maybe we can pick one 
to read by January (although, I was thinking we might want to down play 
it a bit so people still come if they haven't read the book).

I think we agreed to start using the yahoo group for email so I'm 
sending this to that address also.  If you haven't already, please sign 
up there so you don't miss future email...
