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Fwd: Dan Barker Debate October 2

From: Chuck B.
Sent on: Monday, August 6, 2012, 4:59 PM
Hi - -

First, if there's no chance you'll go to the Debate following the PA Nonbeliever Convention in Harrisburg, no need to read on ... just delete, and pardon me if you receive this twice.

But if you might be interested . . . I just received the following, and added highlighting to a couple of parts.  Thanks! - - Chuck

Date: Mon, 06 Aug[masked]:27:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: "theConnection Ministries" <[address removed]>
Subject: Message re: Dr. Ravi Zacharias October event
To: [address removed]

Message Regarding Event: Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Keynote Speaker, Dinesh D'Souza and
Dan Barker, Faith vs Atheism Debate
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (EDT)

Message to attendees:
Dear Attendees,
It is important that you
print the tickets that are attached to the confirmation e-mail you immediately received the day you ordered seats for this event. These e-tickets are your entrance to the event and will be scanned upon entering. It is not as important whose name they are registered under as much as it is having the physical ticket with you on October 2nd.

Also, we do
expect this event to sell out sometime in the coming weeks. If you have friends who have not ordered their tickets yet or you can think of someone who would benefit from coming, feel free to let them know quickly. 

Location of event: (Please do not call Messiah College regarding this event as they are graciously hosting it through our strong partnership but not organizing it)
Messiah College
Brubaker Auditorium (located in Eisenhower Campus Center)
1 College Ave
Grantham, PA 17027
(Near Harrisburg)

Quicklink to event/ticketing website:
Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Keynote Speaker. Opening Hour; Formal Debate Faith vs Atheism, Dinesh D'Souza and Dan Barker