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Round 2, Ben Swann Super Bowl Commercial Contest!

From: Zak C.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 1, 2013, 11:09 AM
Ben Swann made it to the next round!  Received from Intuit! -
"Thanks to all of your fans who voted, you made it. Welcome to Round 2! In Round 2, you'll get to enhance your story by creating a profile for your small business."
Please vote once a day while this contest is ongoing, and ask your friends and family to do the same!
& to make sharing easy to do -
Why is Ben Swann and liberty media (and this contest) so important to me? Because I truly believe that we won't turn things around in this country if we don't first help change the media landscape - and it is changing, it just needs a little push from all of us! Imagine if good liberty causes and candidates had a nationwide media platform that gave them equal time! Winning a free Super Bowl commercial for Ben Swann would be a huge step in getting alternative media out in front of the masses and helping turn the tide against the MSM and the establishment!
For Liberty!

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