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Upcoming C.E.R.T. (Community Emergency Response Team) Classes

From: Robinsons
Sent on: Tuesday, January 8, 2013, 11:07 PM

I want to let everyone know of two upcoming CERT (community emergency response team) classes.  The classes last 8 weeks and graduation is participation in a drill at the Fire Academy.  These classes are free and I believe they are funded by FEMA. 

Jacksonville :  Tuesday evenings from 6 - 9 pm  starting on January 22, 2013. This course will be held at the Emergency Operations Center, 4th floor of the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department Headquarters, located at 515 N. Julia St., Jacksonville, FL 32202.

Atlantic Beach: Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 9 pm starting next week on Wednesday, January 16, 2013. The class will be held at American Legion 316 which is located at 1127 Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233.

Below is a general idea of the topics covered during class:
Week 1:  Orientation/ Disaster Preparedness
Week 2:  Fire Safety and Suppression
Week 3:  Disaster Medical Ops- Part 1
Week 4:  Disaster Medical Ops- Part 2
Week 5:  Light Search and Rescue Ops
Week 6:  Team Organization / Damage Assessment
Week 7:  Disaster Psychology/Communications
Week 8:  Terrorism
Disaster Drill; Graduation at the Fire Academy (usually occurs on a Saturday)

If you are interested in participating in this course, please contact the individual below.  YOU MUST REGISTAR TO ATTEND:

Scott R. Tarzwell Citizen Corps / CERT Coordinator Emergency Preparedness Division Duval County Emergency Management Office: (904)[masked] Email: [address removed]


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