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New Meetup: November MeetUp @ Debra's house

From: user 8.
Sent on: Monday, October 26, 2009, 10:27 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Nottingham Italian Language Conversation Group!

What: November MeetUp @ Debra's house

When: November 20,[masked]:30 PM

Debra's house
25 Tavistock Drive Mapperley Park

Come and join us for the November MeetUp of the group. Debra has kindly agreed to host this event, helping us to save a few pennies before Christmas.

The plan is to meet at Debra's house (25 Tavistock Drive (NB NOT Avenue), Mapperley Park, Nottingham NG3 5DU)* from 7.30pm onw, bringing both a contribution of food and drink (Italian if possible), though Debra will provide a few basics.

There will be food sharing, an Italian board/party game (such as Taboo) and as always - great conversation!

Friends also welcome.


*It's immediately off the Mansfield Road, turning right if you head north out of town. It's just about opposite Carrington shops. Parking on the street somewhere should not be too problematic.

NB Debra does have a dog but its very friendly and will be out on a walk when we arrive.

Learn more here:

Membership dues

£10.00 Annually

This covers: The Group Organizer annual subscription to run the site and organize events.

Payment is accepted using:

  • PayPal
  • Cash or check - “The £10 fee can be paid in person by cash. January to February would be the preferred payment month, though this may vary according to when a member joins.

Refunds are not offered for this Meetup.