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Re: [Nottingham-Spanish] Meetup details changed: Comida para celebrar navidad

From: Patrick
Sent on: Tuesday, December 10, 2013, 5:46 PM
Hello! I cannot go to! I'll flight to Spain on Saturday to spend the Christmas with my family! Have a nice lunch and Christmas! See you!!

Thank you,


 Murielle <[address removed]> wrote:


Thanks for organinsing this Kathryn...i am so hungry right now and would love a curry...but just come out of the dentist and got a numb mouth :(

Ill go for veggie please..I do not like lamb!



Le Mardi 10 décembre[masked]h39, Kathryn Markham <[address removed]> a écrit :
Dear all,
The Christmas menu is here - at a bargain cost of £9.95 a head. Therefore if you have already paid me a deposit you have paid!
I do still need people to pay up front, because we are ordering food up front.
Please can you send me your menu choice as soon as possible? You simply need to tell me if you are having meat (cute little lamb) main course, or veggie main course. That is the response I need. Please email me thro meetup or place your option in the comments for the event.
If you want to come and join us there is still time.
Muchas gracias. Lo siento que no escribo en castellanyo, pero multi-tareo en este momento.
Ciao con besitos
Christmas Menu 2013


Chaat PuriChick pea's, potatoes, cucumber, tomato and yoghurt in a crisp basket


1) Methi Bhaji Na Moothia
Mixed vegetables, fried in a spiced batter and served with mixed sambals and chutney's

Amuse Bouche

Pani Puri

A puffed crisp filled with a refreshing spiced Tamarind sauce


Baan/Gosht Masala
Slow roasted leg of lamb, cooked with cloves and cardamom and served with roast potatoes and dhania chutney


Phoolgobi Aur Matar Paneer Kari

Cauliflower, garden peas and paneer cheese cooked in a spiced tomato sauce with mustard and onion seeds, served with rice (or roast potatoes)


Mitthi SevFine vermicelli noodle rice cooked slowly with sultana's, nutmeg and cardamom/
Assorted Bengali sweets

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