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2 trends that are changing our world

From: Casey A.
Sent on: Sunday, May 19, 2013, 1:06 PM

Hi OCers,

So this is last "official" call on our upcoming startup event, which will cover 2 trends that are rapidly changing the world we live in: 3d printing and crowd funding:

We are fortunate to have 2 awesome speakers on both of these matters.

1) Heesoo Lee - Heesoo is doubling as our gracious host and speaker. He worked at Pixar Animation for over 15 years and recently opened the first Makerspace in Orange County, worklab CC.

2) Patrick O'Neill - He raised over 4x his Kickstarter goal nearly 2 years ago with the olloclip, which can now be found in the Apple Store, Target, and all around the world.

So what are the details?

  • Who? You + our kickass speakers + our community
  • What? OC Tech Meetup with food & drinks
  • Where? worklab CC @ 16892 Bolsa Chica Street #201, Huntington Beach, CA
  • Why? It's a secret <= Tweet this!!!
  • When? Wednesday, May 22 @ 7pm

Just signup here:

Happy Weekend,



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