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CEO, CTO relationships

From: Anil Pattni t.
Sent on: Sunday, September 23, 2012, 8:18 PM

Attn OCHackerz,

There's an interesting event that our friends are throwing up in LA, I know some of the startups in our space have indicated interest in finding the right person for your company. Here's a chance to learn some of the experiences from some professionals.


Join us on October 4th for a panel discussion about the CEO/CTO relationship, followed by mingling and audience Q&A.  Panelists include the CEO and CTO of Cornerstone OnDemand, CEO and CTO of HipSwap, CEO and CTO Virtual Piggy, CEO of Ambrose, and CTO of Hautelook.  There will be an assortment of gourmet cupcakes.

If your interested in attending, please let me know and I can make arrangements for your admission as part of OCHackerz.




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