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Upcoming World Peace Diet Tele-Class Series...

From: Steve P.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 23, 2010, 10:24 AM
We're entering the Holiday Season, an excellent time to go
deeper with the message of compassion and health, and I'm excited
to announce a special World Peace Diet study program I am running
with Dr. Will Tuttle in December, and it's open to everyone.

Presented with Dr. Will Tuttle, we will be presenting a four-week
World Peace Diet intensive study tele-seminar on Thursday
evenings, December 2, 9, 16, and 23. It will feature a full hour
of instruction followed by 15-30 minutes of Q & A and discussion.

This Wednesday, November 24, Dr. Will Tuttle and I will be
hosting a special preview call, in which he'll be explaining
what we'll be discussing and covering during this 4-week World
Peace Diet mastery program.

I hope you'll join us for this Wednesday's call; here's the
link to sign up for it:

As you'll see, we are also planning on presenting the first-ever
online version of the World Peace Diet Facilitator Training
starting on January 27, 2011, which will run for 8 weeks and
lead to certification as a WPD facilitator.

If you have interest in this opportunity to study in depth the
principles of the WPD with us through phone or computer
connection, I recommend joining us on Wednesday for the preview
call to find out more about this upcoming Facilitator Training
program also.

We will be covering everything from -- nutrition, wellness,
spirituality, effective advocacy, healthy relationships,
sexuality, cultural transformation, and political, religious,
and socio-economic renewal and evolution.

Please join us and contribute to this important discussion
and to the imperative awakening of our culture from the
indoctrinated trance of disconnectedness and violence to the
beauty and interconnectedness of all life. Food is key!

A positive future beckons - thanks for being part of its
creation! Here's the link again:

Yours for a world of peace and freedom for all,

Steven Prussack, Host of Raw Vegan Radio with
Dr. Will Tuttle, Author, The World Peace Diet: Eating for
Spiritual Health and Social Harmony

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