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50% off for OKC WordPress Meetup Members - iThemes Builder Training-Feb. 17-18

From: Lynn D.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 8:50 AM

Here are the specifics about the February Live Event Training at The Div.

Thanks to iThemes- any of us in the WordPress Meetup Group can get a 50% discount  .... use OKC2012LIVE when you signup at: is proud to present our next live training event in Oklahoma City on February 17-18th, 2012 with Benjamin Bradley. This power-packed, in-person workshop will cover all the hot topics when using the Builder theme. Not only will attendees have a firm grasp on using the Builder theme when they leave, people will also leave with a fully functional Flickr-clone built with iThemes Builder. In addition to hanging out with members of the iThemes team, you’ll also get to rub elbows with Ronald van Weerd and Sridhar Katakam, two leaders from the Support Forums who are frequently referred to as “super heroes.” Ronald and Sridhar live overseas, so this is a rare opportunity to meet them in person!


Friday – February 17th 8:00am – 8:30am – - Registration at the Div
8:30am – 10:00am – - The Ultimate Builder Overview
10:15am – 11:00am – - Harnessing the Power of Builder Hooks and Filters
11:15am – Noon – - Rock Solid SEO Setup in Builder
Noon – 1:30pm – - LUNCH
1:30pm – 2:30pm – - Uncover CSS tricks with Builder
2:45pm – 4:00pm – - Building Builder Extensions and other Code Tricks
4:15pm – 5:00pm – - Q & A with Chris Jean (moderated by Benjamin and Cory)
7:00pm – ?? — Co-working Event Saturday – February 18th

This is a special event. We will go through all the steps in order to build a flickr-clone using the Builder theme. At the end of Saturday, everyone will walk away with a replica flickr-site (photo sharing) using Builder.

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