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New Meetup: Gaming at La Tartine in Redwood City

From: Daniela
Sent on: Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 11:56 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Palo Alto Boardgames Meetup Group!

What: Gaming at La Tartine in Redwood City

When: Wednesday, June 30,[masked]:00 PM

La Tartine
830 Middlefield Rd
Redwood City, CA 94063

Hi everyone,

I thought we could try out a different venue for a change. La Tartine came to mind because the place is nice, the food is good and yes, they have beer and wine. :-) They have big tables, too, so we should be able to have a fun night! They are open until 10pm on a regular weeknight so we should try to start the first round of games close to 7pm.

This is where you can find it:

You can park in the underground parking garage off Jefferson Ave. or on the parking lot off Middlefield Road. You can have the parking tickets of both location validated from La Tartine and I think two hours are free then. I am not sure, but I believe parking in the street usually costs, even in the evening and it can not be validated.
Please RSVP early so that I can call La Tartine and let them know about how many people will be showing up. Of course that should not keep anyone from walking in spontaneously. :-)

I will be bringing Colonia and Alhambra.

Cheers and see you then,

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