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New Meetup: Que Sera, Sera

From: Chad
Sent on: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 12:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Peninsula Jammers!

What: Que Sera, Sera

When: Saturday, October 2,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Chad's Garage
Sun Mor Ave
Mountain View, CA 94040

I have a garage, a guitar, and a drum set. You bring your electric maracas, and we make some music, and then some noise, and then some music. Or really, whatever you want to do. There is no recording device, so this one is for the gods. Milwaukee's Best will be provided. O yeah, I suck at drumming, so a drummer is essential.
If there are too many people, a rotation will be in effect. I have chess with a chess clock, a wonderful bike/walk path (steven's creek), 2 easels, a grill, and umm... we could get some acoustic instruments going on the outside stage. I have a guitar and ukelele... the mandolin is out.
And if you have any ideas, let me know. This is my first meet up hosting, so I don't know the ways. I have no sheet music, so feel free to bring some copies. However, I would like to have some chaos falling into patterns at some point.

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