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Next meetup, and more

From: Roy B
Sent on: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 12:57 AM
Hi everyone,

Daniel let me know that we can meet at the Hive76 space (915 Spring Garden) on the second Thursday of each month. I will be sending out the formal meet-up notice shortly. This next session will probably be more of a working meeting to get the quadrotor project off the ground - literally! Nelson and a few friends/co-workers will be joining Brijesh (also a meet-up member) and me, and perhaps Earl as well in this project. If you want to participate, please let us know.

So the next session should be a lot less Power-Point-y than the previous one. Perhaps the Hive76 vision-based robot team will join forces with our group (or vice-versa). As always, let me or the group know what projects or ideas you'd like to discuss. Nelson requested a control theory tutorial, and that's something I'm interested in providing (but probably not in the near term - certainly not by the next meetup). I will also mention that the latest issues of Servo, Nuts & Volts, and Make magazines are out (or should be soon). Make has a story on the DIY Drones founders as well as some other robot articles. Servo has a write-up of the Draganflyer X6 UAV. I had a picture of in my quadrotor slides (even though, technically, its a hexrotor, not a quadrotor).

Hope to see you in a few weeks!

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