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What we’re about

How do we awaken here and now as everyday people?

We gather together to discover and welcome all of who we are, our infinite nature and manifest existence. We offer compassionate listening to each other in mutuality as we explore embodied awakening, and practice acceptance in Being with whatever is happening in the moment, without pressure to redirect it. Transformation happens readily and organically through the wisdom of Being, in each person’s right timing. 

Our gatherings, called sittings, will include silent meditation, mutual gazing, and conscious sharing in a setting that facilitates embodied trust.

Come to a meetup and give yourself the chance to steep in a sacred space dedicated entirely to the deepening recognition of all that we are.

We welcome you to join this collaborative exploration of Embodied Consciousness!

You may have an extensive spiritual history, or little, or none. You may simply be curious or looking for others to connect with in mutuality, you may already be experiencing a sense of embodied awakening, you may feel hunger, dissatisfaction, pain, or futility or any combination of the above, and that's OK -- we'll meet you wherever you are.

(Please note: This event is not a substitute for psychotherapy.)