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RE: [Philadelphia-Filmmaking-Collective] New Subgroup: The Philadelphia Women's Filmmaking Collective

From: David
Sent on: Monday, March 18, 2013, 8:56 PM
I need your help.  I need to finish some short stories and turn them into scrpts for shorts films.
Can you refer me to someone in South New Jersey with experience of a:
"Filmmaking and English Tutor".
I also need help in 2 Essays and 2 Power Point Presentations in my
Basic Physics class from my local Community College I am taking.
I appreicate any help if you can.
Yours Truly:
[address removed]

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [Philadelphia-Filmmaking-Collective] New Subgroup: The Philadelphia Women's Filmmaking Collective
Date: Mon, 18 Mar[masked]:00:30 -0400

Hi Everyone,
A new subgroup of the The Philadelphia Filmmaking Collective was created. This new meetup group is called "The Philadelphia Women's Filmmaking Collective" and it supports the endeavors of women in every aspect of movie making in the Philadelphia area. Whereas this group supports the goals of women, men are welcome to join.
Here is the new link to the Meetup Group and Facebook page:
Our first meetup is scheduled for April 27, 2013, 6:30pm -9:30pm. This meetup will allow members to meet and become familiar with the services and structure of the group.
Looking forward to seeing you there,

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

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