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New Meetup: Absolute Beginners Workshop: Harvard Square

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Thursday, December 23, 2010, 4:33 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Photography Workshops!

What: Absolute Beginners Workshop: Harvard Square

When: Saturday, January 15,[masked]:30 PM

Price: $30.00 per person

Where: Au Bon Pain
1100 Mass Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138

If you always wanted to come to a photography workshop but were put-off by the thought of all that technology and worried you might be embarrassed by your lack of knowledge, well don?t be put-off any longer, this workshop is specially created for mere mortals who want to go beyond using their camera as a simple point and shoot.

Starting with the absolute basics, this gently paced, small group workshop, is the ideal place for you to learn without being overwhelmed.

Spend a couple of hours gently walking around Boston with its historic buildings and fascinating harbor, under the expert guidance of teacher and professional photographer Ian Murray, and you will learn the simple techniques which will take your photography to the next level.

This workshop is open to absolute beginners only. and to ensure that everyone gets ample tuition time it is limited to 6 participants
The workshop will end at 4pm

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