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Re: [spanish-150] NEW: The Pittsburgh Spanish Language Meetup Group Mailing List

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, April 9, 2007, 8:51 PM
HI bob,
I was with the spanish group in the beginning, though not in the very beginning.. however, I am too far away now to participate in any more meetings etc.. so please unsubscribe me and say HOLA and ADIOS to the crowd for me, perhaps there are some that remember me..
Best regards,
Doug Macduff
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob
Sent: Saturday, April 07,[masked]:03 PM
Subject: [spanish-150] NEW: The Pittsburgh Spanish Language Meetup Group Mailing List

A special announcement from Bob, Organizer of The Pittsburgh Spanish Language Meetup Group

Announcing our new mailing list! It's a great new way to talk in between Meetups right from our email. This means we can discuss where to meet, what to talk about and who's bringing what without having to keep checking the website.

To get started, please sign up for the mailing list! You have to sign up on the site:

Some quick notes on our mailing list:
* Our email address is: [address removed]
* When you send or reply to a message, your email address will be displayed
* When you reply to a message, it will go to the *whole* mailing list (not just the person who sent it)
* All mailing list messages will also be archived on our website

If you have any questions, let me know!

This message was sent by Bob (member profile: from The Pittsburgh Spanish Language Meetup Group.

To unsubscribe from this list or to update your mailing list settings, visit your account page: Customer Service: [address removed]
632 Broadway New York NY 10012 USA

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