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What we’re about

What is the Joy of Programming Meetup?

We're a meetup for all kinds of topics of interest to programmers. We’re the big, inclusive tent of technical meetups. We want people who come to our events to learn things they never would have, to see new and interesting ideas, and to develop a deeper understanding of their well-loved tools.

We're all about learning from and about other programming languages, environments, and tools!

As programmers we typically spend most of our time in just one or two languages and a handful of tools and concepts, but there's a lot to be learned from other popular and less-popular systems. If you value expanding beyond your comfort zone and learning about how other people solve problems with code, this meetup is for you!

We hold meetings once a month with a presentation or two designed to showcase different ways of thinking about things, and sometimes hands-on exercises.

We talk about the popular languages (java, c#, ruby, python), the less common systems (erlang, haskell, scala, clojure, lisp), and even the really fringe languages (befunge, LOLCODE, whitespace, etc). Beyond languages, we also talk about all sorts of programming-related tools and technologies -- from the layers of abstraction to the layers in a svg to the layers of the osi model!

Come out, learn, and share with us! We're friendly to people of all backgrounds and levels :). We hope our events broaden your perspective, your interests and your network.

Also join us on DC Tech Slack #joy-of-programming (sign up here)!