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Pubs, Smoke, and Music

From: Rob "Bodhi" W.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 10:50 AM
So, I've fielded a bunch of e-mails regarding smoking, and pubs, and public venues in the past few weeks, and again in the past few days.

We've been working hard to try to find public-yet-free venues for our not-so-little group, and Katie O'Briens was kind enough to donate their space. I'm really excited that they invited us back.

Until the New Year, however, they are technically a smoking environment.

We took over the lower portion of the pub last time. None of us were smoking. There was some smoking going on in the upper portion of the pub, but frankly there weren't that many patrons there compared to us (this might change when you ... yes, *you*, start singing, you with the melodious voice, drawing in the crowds!)

But for now, and for the next few months, we'll have to put up with some minor amounts of smoking from upper-back portions of the pub.

Ms. O'Brien herself has commented that it will be an exciting time when the changeover occurs in the New Year, and the whole question can be put to bed once and for all.

So if you'll just bear with this for a little while, we'll hopefully have a completely smoke-free environment in a few months -- provided we keep showing up, participating, enjoying ourselves, and showing them that we appreciate their kind offer.

And remember ... if you have better ideas for venues, or you have a line on a decent place to host our group, or would like to host alternative jams, or smaller get-togethers, or even just a living-room sized jam session with some friends, use the tools at your disposal to coordinate and make some music! I'd be ecstatic if we had something happening every week -- so long as I'm not asked to run all of them!

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