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Questions to discuss here, anyone, on climate change?

From: Fred H.
Sent on: Friday, March 6, 2015, 5:27 PM
Anyone have any questions we can begin to discuss here in the days ahead before geologist Keith Miller comes to talk about climate change?  We can discuss them here, and Dr. Miller might jump in:  

Which evidence counts most?  What does the fossil record have to do with it?  How can we tell the difference between normal fluctuations and what humans are doing to the climate?  Or which questions come up for you?

Dr. Miller says he'd be interested in seeing where the interest is greatest as he tailors the talk he's given elsewhere for us.

No P&P tonight, BTW, but mark your calendars for one week from tonight and reserve your seat for next Friday the 13th:




Everyone chooses sides, predictably, according to their place on the political spectrum, but what’s the evidence?

Author and educator Dr. Keith Miller, Kansas State paleontologist, is back to talk to us about his other area of focused research:  Climate change.

Inline image 1

His presentation will focus on:

• The various drivers of climate change

• Their positive and negative feedbacks

• The human impact on climate change

• In what ways is anthropogenic climate change impacting our world right now?

• How has the science of climate change been misrepresented?

• How is the present public debate actually causing climate change to be misunderstood?

Inline image 2


About our speaker:

One of Dr. Miller’s areas of research and peer-reviewed publication is that of paleoclimate reconstruction for the Pennsylvanian and Permian Periods in Kansas. 

Keith B. Miller teaches geology at Kansas State University and is a frequently sought-after source to address common misconceptions about the nature and content of science.  He argues that widely held erroneous views about science have played important roles in polarizing the public debates over such topics as biological evolution and climate change, both in Kansas and nationally.

Miller has given many public lectures in Kansas and nationally on the fossil record and the creation/evolution debate in various contexts.  He has also spoken on topics related to climate change, emphasizing both the basis for the current scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming and the need to understand long-term geological patterns and causes.


Afterwards, we'll meet at the nearby Blue Moose for more conversation and noshing.

See you next Friday the 13th!

Fred Heeren / [address removed] / [masked]

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