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Worldwide Webcast Interview - Sat 1/3 about The QUANTUM LEAP Meetup Groups!

From: user 8.
Sent on: Friday, January 2, 2009, 5:41 PM
Happy New Year 'QUANTUM LEAP'ers!

Scott Nash, creator of web site and family of Meetup Groups here.

GREAT NEWS! - We're at over 50% of the goal of having local organizers in place for all of the groups listed on the Meetup page of our site. Thanks again to Penny for being the local contact for this group - and for already getting a meetup scheduled for January!

I wanted to extend a special invitation about a special 'QUANTUM LEAP' launch announcement, which involves a worldwide video webcast of a Crimson Circle gathering this Saturday.

The Crimson Circle is a global affiliation of New Energy humans, including metaphysicians, healers, teachers and counselors coming from all walks of life, a wide variety of spiritual backgrounds, and from over 100 countries around the world. A good overview of what the Crimson Circle is all about is outlined on the 'About Us' page of their site at

About 50-80 people on average 'Meetup' locally on the first Saturday of every month just outside Golden, CO. In addition, thousands tune in each month to watch the broadcast and over 100,000 visit their web site each month and listen to or read transcripts of the broadcasts online. Geoffrey Hoppe and his wife Linda host the meetings, which include a review of the last channeling, a new channeling of either Tobias, St. Germain or Kuthumi, followed by a Q&A from both people there in person as well as questions that are e-mailed in.

They have a 'Launch Pad' portion of their program, in which they highlight a creative endeavor from someone in the 'Shaumbra' community (the term they use for people that are attracted to what they're doing).

And now for some more GREAT NEWS...! I've been selected to be on the 'Launch Pad' of their gathering on Saturday, January 3, which runs from 1-5 p.m. My announcement will be about the new web site, I'll be providing an overview to what the site is all about, as well as talk about 'Tall Zebra', which is a New Energy web site development company I've recently launched too.

The announcement coincides with a full page ad on the back cover of the Sedona Journal of Emergence, which I'm running starting with the January issue to promote the site. The Sedona Journal is one of the most widely read metaphysical resources for channeled work with a paid subscriber circulation of roughly 28,000 in print and another 12,000 that receive a PDF version of it.

There are three ways you can not only see or hear the announcement, but also tune in to what 'New Year' insights might come from the other side of the veil.
1) If you live in or have friends or family that live in the Denver, CO metro area and want to attend in person...
The monthly Meetup is located about 30-35 minutes outside of Golden at the Coal Creek Community Center. It doesn't start until 1 p.m., however coming from downtown I typically leave around 11:40ish so I can pick up a snack item, as most everyone brings a small food dish to share. The cost for their meetings to help cover expenses is $20 prepaid online at or $25 at the door. Full details and map to the location is here

2) If you can't attend the meeting but want to watch it live online as it happens...
If you can't attend in person, you can watch the Saturday, January 3 broadcast by following the instructions on this page of their site.

3) If you want to listen to or read the transcript of the meeting afterwards...
You can read or listen to it afterwards by logging into their site after going to this Channel Library page of the Crimson Circle web site. It will be in the "Welcome and News" portion before the channeling begins. You can register and log in if you like to read the last three part "Shoud" as they refer to it as. You'll notice there is also a Quantum Leap series on there as well in the Channel Library from a year ago. (The term "shoud" is defined as "The current collective consciousness and energy of a group which is then reflected back to the group in the form of a channeling. It is this reason a "shoud" will alway offer a very current and leading edge message based on either what is happening in the world or in regards to the thoughts and expressions of humans).

I'll be explaining how as part of the initial kick-off of 'The QUANTUM LEAP' site, that I've just recently launched 56 QUANTUM LEAP Meetup groups across the US and Canada. Links to all of the groups are on this page

I will also be featured on a January 9 radio interview on a program called "Maximum Exposure" - Details on this page. If you know of other people involved in print, radio, TV, or internet broadcasts that also like to cover exciting new spiritual endeavors, simply have them give me a call or email me.

Cheers and I hope to share the webcast experience with you via one of the above methods!

Scott Nash
For Leading Edge Creators

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