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Meetup details changed: Bible-O-Rama! Bring Your Bible ! 8/11/13

From: Kathleen
Sent on: Saturday, August 10, 2013, 2:54 PM

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Sunday, August 11,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Hoops Hall, 1806 Allen Ave, St. Louis, MO 63104 

This week will be a battle of the bibles! Bring a copy of the bible, and we will compare people's favorite passages from the bible. Pull out some copy you surely (???) have laying around, or look up some passages on the net, and lets compare what the different versions say. Pick out a positive passage, and /or a negative passage, and share w/the group. There are quite a few websites dedicated to looking at passages in the bible, some of which are the work of freethinkers, so you could just look at their work, and either print something out or load info up onto an electronic device (phone, tablet, etc) so you can quickly access this information at the meeting.


To say bad things about the bible is likely to make you pretty unpopular in America today, even though most Americans have never really read and studied the bible. A study conducted several years ago found that atheists and agnostics scored higher on tests of knowledge about religion, and you don't get that way without doing some homework! To take a more detailed look at that Pew study, it turns out that freethinkers do quite poorly when it comes to their knowledge of the bible. Show up and do the work of becoming more informed about the scourge afflicting such a large proportion of your fellow citizens. Read the bible - strengthen your faith - (in reason)!

Please bring snacks and recent news items to share.

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