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Movie Passes Available To See THIS IS THE END tomorrow morning 10am in Old City

From: Mike D.
Sent on: Thursday, May 23, 2013, 4:25 PM

Reelblack, Philly's #1 promoter of African-American Film, has obtained a limited number of passes for two to attend a special screening of the all-star sci-fi comedy THIS IS THE END.  Screening will take place tomorrow morning at 10am at the Ritz East.

Sorry for the short notice.  We just got word.

To claim your pass for two, simply log in/register at

Enter the RSVP code REELWJY0

And claim up two two passes (while supply lasts).  It's as simple as that.

Seth Rogen and Jay Baruchel star as themselves along with Danny McBride, Jonah Hill, and Craig Robinson in this end-of-days comedy that finds the actors hiding out with James Franco in his apartment as the apocalypse decimates L.A. outside. Featuring cameos by Jason Segel and Emma Watson, the Sony Pictures film features the directing debuts of Rogen and frequent collaborator Evan Goldberg.

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