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New Meetup: Games Day!

From: Joseph
Sent on: Saturday, October 16, 2010, 11:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Riverdale Gaming Conclave (by College Park)!

What: Games Day!

When: Saturday, December 18,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Joe's House
5609 Silk Tree Dr
Riverdale, MD 20737

General day of games! The idea is to play shortish 1-3 hour games and mix them up. They can be Eurogames, strategy games, or even party games. Whatever folks feel like playing. Bring your own or learn a new one! I'll have snacks and soda on hand. We'll play till six. Afterwards, if folks are up for it, we could grab some dinner somewhere.

Games come in the following shapes and flavors:
light vs. deep (amount of thinking required)
short vs. long (anywhere from about an hour to six hours)
cooperative vs. competitive (helping each other against the game vs. competing against each other)
economic vs. aggressive (build and grow vs. attacking and defeating others)
people vs. game (focus is on getting to know each other vs. focus is on enjoying the game itself)

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