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April Newsletter

From: Miha R.
Sent on: Monday, April 14, 2014, 7:55 AM
Happy Monday, everybody!

It's already 4 months since I started this group on and this is our second monthly newsletter. How's that for a great piece of news on Monday morning?

The last meetup in Kiberpipa was the first one with talks and it turned out great. Oto put his slides of Tips for Better Tests online so you can still make your tests better, even if you missed his talk (shame on you BTW). Good guy, Oto!

The next meetup will take place on Thursday, 24th again in Kiberpipa, but this time in their new space. For now we only have one confirmed talk by Jan Berdajs, who will say a few things about Design Patterns in Ruby. You (yes, you) are still very welcomed to talk about whatever you like on the next meetup, just e-mail me at [address removed] beforehand so I can announce it. If you're building something interesting, if you've just found the gem everyone should use, or just because X, please come say something about it. All skill levels welcome!

This time after the talks we might also try out something new, modeled after the vienna-rb meetup I attended last week. It should be awesome.

April picks Miha Filej - @mfilej Nataša Pristovšek - @fibiola Samo Ratnik - @samotarnik

If you are running an application server on JRuby, the straightforward way of starting the server is not the greatest idea. Instead, take a look at these (and these) tuning parameters which will ensure your JVM runs in a mode, appropriate for production.

If you are using database seeds in Rails, you usually wish they were at least a bit more sophisticated. Sprig offers some powerful advantages over the default seeds that will surely come in handy.

And don't forget: the first batch of tickets for probably the best Ruby conference in our vicinity, Baruco, is right around the corner!

Miha Rekar - @mrfoto Žiga Vidic - @zigomir Rails Girls Ljubljana

Rails Girls, the most fun Rails beginner workshop for women, is returning to Ljubljana on May 10th, thanks to the Faculty of Computer Science, GitHub and Celtra. Coach positions were filled at the speed of light (the Ruby community is awesome that way!), but there are still quite a few free participant spots for high school girls. So, make sure to tell your younger sisters, cousins and friends, to all sign up, so they can learn how to make their first Rails app and never look back!


Modra Jagoda is looking for a new Ruby/Rails developer to join their team. They are really cool guys tackling some interesting issues in the medical field so if you are looking for a new challenge you should definitely check them out.

Final note

We got quite a bunch of new sponsors last month so now the perks list is much longer. I won't list them all here but you should go look at the perks page. I will however tell you this: there will be one free drink per member on the next meetup sponsored by the awesome D·Labs and there will be a bucketload of stickers.

Speaking of stickers - you might have noticed that we got a proper logo recently. Tina really outdid herself and this thing is going to look awesome on our stickers. Because I want everyone to wear it proudly I wanted to make sure they are top quality and durable which is why they are made by stickermule. Now that wasn't cheap and there are some other expenses with the group ( subscription fee, domain name,…) which is why the stickers will be sold for 1 EUR apiece. 10% of the income will go towards Rails Girls SoC (you should donate on your own as well), while the other 90% will cover our expenses. I hope you'll love 'em as much as I do and buy at least one.

See you in about two weeks!

Oh, and do spread the word about Ruby and our meetup to your friends (and/or foes). The more the merrier :)

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