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Text By the Bay: Solr Unleashed, Early Bird set to expire on Friday 3/20 EOD

From: Alexy K.
Sent on: Thursday, March 19, 2015, 1:39 PM

Folks -- we're happy to report that Lucidworks will offer their official two-day professional training for Solr/Lucene, the battle-tested Solr Unleashed course, at Text By the Bay -- on the two days before it, 4/22-23.  We're offering packages with early bird discounts on both.

The early bird is set to expire tomorrow EOD.  The discount code TEXTSCALA is still valid for $250 off, expiring on 3/31.

We have 40+ great talks already and just confirmed David Hall will indeed give a talk about ScalaNLP:

There are several talks about Machine Learning on Spark and ML/NLP with Scala.

We also received additional submissions and may open a third track.  If you're interested in submitting a talk, please contact us at [address removed].

We have several great sponsors already and are always happy to partner with more companies providing services or hiring developers and data scientists in the space -- contact us per above if your company may be interested.



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