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New Meetup: Reactive Systems

From: Alexy K.
Sent on: Monday, July 27, 2015, 12:08 AM

Folks -- we're happy to report that Jonas Bonér, the CTO of Typesafe and founder of Akka, is kicking off a new meetup we're starting, Reactive Systems:

The first meetup will be follow on the last day of Big Data Scala conference, on August 18, at 7pm at Kaiser Center in Oakland.  Jonas will give the talk, "Life Beyond the Illusion of the Present," about asynchronous computation.

The meetup is free for all, and the conference requires registration.  Use the code SCALABYTHEBAY20 for 20% off all tickets, including Big Data Scala.

Confluent folks will follow in September with a talk on Kafka.  Reactive Systems will be open to non-Scala systems based on Erlang, Elm, other FRP approaches, core.async, even, gasp, ReactJS, and more.