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Early Bird Registration for Scala By the Bay 2016 Ends on Wednesday 8/31

From: Alexy K.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 30, 2016, 5:08 PM

Folks -- there were a lot of requests about codes, etc. for SBTB.  We don't do codes for Early Bird in general, as it is already the best deal we can offer.  We might do codes later on for regular admission (and probably not better than Early Bird anyways).  The way things ramp up we recommend registering now.

We have great sponsors this year -- all of them are hiring, and the space at Twitter HQ allows for the best socializing we had at SBTB.  Please get in touch with ([address removed]) us if you'd like to become a sponsor -- the number of slots is limited and we're quickly nearing it as well.

The conference is growing so fast that I am focusing on it now full-time, along with a series of other open-source, technology, and community initiatives, all of them By the Bay. SBTB will have my full and undivided attention, and as a consequence, it will be the best developer conference ever.

Hope to see you there!



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