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Special Invitation for you. Celebrity DJ, filmmaker Dennis Willis

From: Martin
Sent on: Friday, February 7, 2014, 10:01 AM

Who Will Win the Oscar this year?


admission: $5 at door

It is a question all film fans think about. As movie critic for the bay area's number one radio station for over 30 years, member of the San Francisco Film Critics Circle, author of American Popcorn, Hollywood and the War on Common Sense, Flick Nation, the indispensable movie guide for serious film lovers and host of Flick Nation Radio, Dennis Willis has pondered thsi question alot!

Now you are invited as our special guest to hear what Dennis has to say and to chime in with your own opinions. Dennis has just returned from the Critic's Choice awards in Los Angeles where he spoke to Alfonso Cuaron who just won best director for his film Gravity.

So, who will win Best DirectorBest Screenplay and Best Film at the Oscars? Well, Dennis will again have his famous predictions and insights at the ready. Moreover, he will give us his insights on what all winning scripts and winning films must contain.

Come and listen to the years of experience Mr. Willis has to offer in this fun filled, action packed session.


More on Dennis:


PS - we'll also be meeting participants in Sacramento's own 48 Hour Film Fest! So come and network with us. You will make some new friends, have a ball and if you aren't careful, you may learn a thing or two.


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