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Thursday's Meetup / Location - Color Management 101

From: John W.
Sent on: Monday, September 14, 2009, 6:56 PM
Hello all,

Here's some info on the Photoshop Meetup Thursday night:

4 Things:

1) I am STILL looking for a more central, convenient and bigger location in the Clairemont / Kearny Mesa area for future Meetups, but have not had any luck - - So, we will again be meeting at my office in Santee ... BTW, I'm open to suggestions for future meetup locations :-) - - Thanks for your understanding!!

2) Anyone willing to help with refreshments? Perhaps one person could bring some bottled water or sodas iced down in a cooler? Perhaps another could bring some cheese and crackers, or other snacks? Please let me know - Any help would be appreciated ...

3) Please note that the address listed on my business website is NOT the location of my office, which is where we're meeting - Here's a link to directions to my office: Click Here for Directions ... - - Once you arrive at my office building: As you're facing the building, my office is on the 2nd floor at the left side of the building, above "Andy's Glass and Screen" - There are stairs at the left end of the building, and plenty of parking - - I will also have a Meetup banner posted and visible to help you find my office...

4) If you are bringing a laptop, we unfortunately don't have any table space - - If you can, please bring a TV tray if you need a surface to put your laptop on - -

I'm looking forward to this - - See you all Thursday!

Thanks again, and Cheers!

John :-)

Photofinishing with Photoshop