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2 Free tickets to Photo Scavenger Hunt

From: Al Horne MBA P.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 9:01 PM


2 Free tickets to FQ Old Town Photo Scavenger Hunt Event Saturday October 5!

2 Free tickets to FQ Photo Scavenger Hunt: Here are the Details...

This first two people a guy and a gal with a Smart Phone who has RSVP'd for the event that sends me a text will get to go FREE and they will be on my Team for the event.

Here is my phone number 858.six three three. 7658

You must send..

Your Name

Your Type of Smart Phone

Your Meetup Group ( The Group that you are in where you have RSVP'd for the Event )


Say in your text " I want the FREE Ticket to the Photo Scavenger Hunt in Old Town "

You must follow the directions exactly to Win!

Here is a link to the event  CLICK HERE

I will announce the winners on Friday morning.

Good Luck

Big Al