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Fall Hiking

From: Curt C.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 8, 2011, 9:20 AM

Happy Fall Hikers!

We've had some great hiking weather in October!  Hopefully November will be the same, however we are looking at the possibility of some rain this weekend.  I will not cancel a hike unless it is actually coming down the morning of the hike, so don't give up on a hike based on the weather the night before.  Last year we had some great hikes on days when it was supposed to rain or was raining on Friday night, but cleared up by the morning, so hang in there.

Also a reminder that I post the upcoming weekend hikes on Sunday or Monday before the coming weekend.  I do this to avoid bombing your inbox with email.  That being said, I know that our Sunday hikes have been hit or miss, which is mostly due to my schedule, but we should be back to regular Sunday hikes following this coming weekend.  (There is a hike this Saturday, November 12th, but not on Sunday, November the 13th).

If you have not joined us for a hike yet, I hope that you will soon.  We have a great group of regular hikers and we want you to be part of that group!

See you on the trail!

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