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Weekly and Monthly challenges

From: Guillermo Mercadal D.
Sent on: Friday, January 3, 2014, 1:06 PM
Hi all,

As we talked in the last meet up, we'd like to have a parallel working group to keep on improving our scala skills at home and share the experience with each other. 

We've thought to issue some coding challenges in a periodical basis, weekly ones that are easy to solve and keep us fit and monthly ones that need more time but also let us deal with complex applications and frameworks.

So the resources to start working will be these,

=> a discussion group to share our experience, ask for help or just let the others know that perfect one-line solution.
=> a repository at github to share the solutions, snippets, specs or whatever we need.

Let's have some fun coding with scala!


I'd propose to warm up with the P01 to P10 problems of s99. There is sample code in the github repo on how to create the sbt project (using sbt-skeleton from Ignasi). Just create another user folder if you want to share your code.


We may start a discussion on the monthly challenge in the discussion group. A good starting point could be a simple RESTFul application, for example an app that allows to keep track of flights with the following operations:

=> POST a flight (id, arrival, departure, from, to, status)
=> GET a list of flights to X [within time]
=> GET a list of flights from Y [within time]
=> PUT an updated status to a flight (i.e: DELAYED, CANCELLED, Gate 42)
=> DELETE a flight (maybe)

And last but not least, have a happy new year ;)

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