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Happy End of the Year & Call for Papers, Presenters & Ideas!

From: Laura M. P.
Sent on: Thursday, December 13, 2012, 4:40 PM

Hi Everyone,

Many thanks to everyone who joined us last night for the last Agile Manager's Support Group meeting of 2012!  We really appreciated all the ideas and insights about what could land an Agile Manager on the "Naughty or Nice" list!

Our next Agile Manager's Support group meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 16, 2013, with monthly meetings on the third Wednesday of each month.   Got a hot topic,  cool idea, or gnarly question to explore with the group?  Please reply to this email & let's talk about getting you onto our presentation calendar for 2013!

And as a reminder - the illustrious Scrum Alliance has opened its submissions process for the Scrum Gathering slated for Las Vegas in June, 2013.   Submit your proposal for a session to "Up the Ante" in the world of Scrum to the Scrum Alliance by December 23, 2012.  More details on the conference and proposal submissions are available here.

And as soon as you hit the "submit" button for the Scrum Alliance - email me to talk about a Bay Area dry run for your session with the best group of Agile Managers around!   We will help you "inspect and adapt" your talk so that your session in Vegas is a full house - full of aces!

In the mean time - enjoy the holidays & we look forward to connecting with you next year!


All the best,

Chris Sims, Betty Gonzalez & Laura Powers

Agile Learning Labs Scrum Elves