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Toys for Tots Drop off/Tonights Int/Adv 7:15pm Drop-in class

From: Jim
Sent on: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 3:32 PM
Toys for Tots drop off...
We currently have Toys for Tots drop off, please bring your unopened gift to our studio between our salsa class ours and ask for a $10 discount towards a salsa 5wks series group class. Deadline Dec. 17th.

Tonight's Drop-ins Int /Adv Level Thurs Dec. 10th, 17th -7:15pm-8:45pm- 1.5 hrs - $20

New Year's Eve Champagne & Desserts Dance Party w Salsa /80's & 90's dance music at Dec. 31st. 5 days left for your discount.
*$35 cover, full bar 21-ID, $30 Prepay discount before Thursday, Dec. 15th, please try to be on time if you wish join us for salsa dance lesson or arrive no later then 10:30pm to guarantee your entrance for the evening. Prepay Now:
Please post your RSVP at: or

Friday Dec. 18th, 9:30pm - 1am, Open Salsa Dance at BDS (All ages welcome) $7 cover
Weekly Sunday Salsa Practica, all ages welcome, 6:30pm - 9:45pm $5 cover
Belltown Dance Studio
2521 4th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98121