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New Meetup: Blake Island this weekend

From: Audra
Sent on: Friday, June 11, 2010, 9:33 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Area Sea Kayaking Meetup Group!

What: Blake Island this weekend

When: Saturday, June 12,[masked]:00 PM

West Seattle - North of Lincoln Park Kayak Launch
6700 Beach Drive SW
Seattle, WA 98136

Blake Island paddle and overnight. NOTE change in launch time

You must have all your own equipment AND have passed the self rescue with Saul or Kayak Academy.

We will paddle over from Lincoln Park in West Seattle. It is about an hour and a half paddle at a good pace to Blake Island.
Bring your essentials for an overnight trip, plate, utensils, cup for yourself along with meal prep tools. If you have a stove and a big pot bring it. Bring your own tea or coffee. Bring games and toys for laughs. Alcohol is permitted with discretion.

I am going to check into the Tillicum village dance and dinner performance alsod

Group Meals: Vegetarian preferred

Saturday Lunch:

Saturday Dinner:

Sunday Breakfast:

Learn more here:

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