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From: Ron P C.
Sent on: Saturday, January 16, 2010, 2:33 PM
It is still up in the air, but tomorrow's meetup MAY have to be postponed to next weekend.

1) 1st 2009 Season Review DVD ordered from Europe. It never arrived and I FINALLY got a refund 2 days ago.
2) Ordered a 2nd copy for the 2009 Season Review from Vancouver with rush shipping last week. It still has not arrived.

Now, there are still a few more hours for it to arrive today(my mail has not arrived), but I thought I'd let you all know. I'll be giving a FINAL answer this evening.
Meanwhile, I have gone to 3 Lions Pub to install my newly purchased PAL(european format) DVD player for our viewing. At least that one arrived on time(ordered same day as the DVD)

In conclusion, I apologize for the possible delay, and will email again to finalize tomorrow's meetup.


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