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Master Li talks about the importance of daily practice

From: Greg B.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 4:28 PM

Dear Qigong enthusiasts,

Master Li talks about the importance of daily practice of this qigong, Sheng Zhen Gong regularly.  Even if you only have one minute - do one movement or even for a few seconds. Even if you only have ten seconds - Just stop and sit up with your arms relaxed to your sides and your chin slightly up. Relax and let go, close your eyes. Think of nothing. Let qi flow into your body, heart and soul with the breath. Merge with the universe. Feel the embrace of Divine Mother/Father healing love qi that is deeper than the oceans and wider than the heavens.

It is good to do qigong alone and it can be even more powerful in a group. It is also important to study with a qualified teacher. Bad habits are hard to change. Greg Boster has a Certified Sheng Zheng Gong Teacher with over 8 practice and study with Master Li. Prior to that he studied with many masters and styles. He chose to be certified in Sheng Zhen Gong because of the high quality of the messages and contemplations as will as the flowing beauty of the movements.

Qigong is not just a way to cope with stress and seek inner knowledge.  It literally has the potential to literally transform the world. In 1978, what is known as the “Maharishi Effect” took place when a group of 7000 individuals over the course of 3 weeks were meditating in hopes of positively effecting the surrounding city. They were able to literally transform the collective energy of the city which reduced global crime rates, violence, and casualties during the times of their meditation. As Maharishi explains, the experience of the Unified Field of Natural Law. When a sufficient number of individuals enliven this field, then through a ‘Field Effect’ of consciousness (the Maharishi Effect) an influence of orderliness and harmony is radiated from the level of the Unified Field of Natural Law to the whole population.

This Sheng Zhen Gong is a way, it is a gift to humanity to help us find our way in this distorted world. It is a catalyst for healing ourselves and the world around us.

Im thinking of offering another class and wanted to get your feedback.

When is the best time for you to come to a class?

Please go to the Poll on this meet up and select the best times for you.


looking forward to seeing you,



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