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Fall Family Fun

From: Cathy
Sent on: Monday, September 14, 2009, 1:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Singles & Single Parents!

Fall Family Fun
October 24,[masked]:00 PM

Youngs Jersey Dairy
6880 Springfield Xenia Rd
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Cowvin, the baby of the Cow Family, has created a family fun maze at Young's Jersey Dairy. The maze is created from over 150,000 square feet (more than 3? acres) of cornfield and has over one mile of paths.

This maze in the middle of a cornfield has many turns,
dead-ends and tricky twists. Get ready to begin your maze adventure!

The price is $5.00 per person age 5 and older. Age 4 & under are free! Children age 11 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

Learn more here:

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