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New Meetup: TAG, You're IT!

From: Cathy
Sent on: Thursday, October 29, 2009, 6:48 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Singles & Single Parents!

TAG, You're IT!

November 22,[masked]:00 PM

Laser Web
533 Miamisburg Centerville Road
Centerville, OH 45459

Adults and Kids alike can enjoy and adventurous game of tag at Laser Web. The more the merrier. Come out and run through the mazes while trying to find and conquer your opponents. Work up an appetite. Then, if everyone wants, we can join each other for dinner at LaRosa's, located in the same shopping center as Laser Web. Coupons are often available for both locations in coupon magazines such as Reach. If we have a big enough group, we may get a group rate at Laser Web.

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