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I.T. Labor Shortage in Nashville

From: Dr. Brian H.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 20, 2011, 5:13 PM
SoCal Science Cafe members,

My name is Dr. Brian Hart, and im the Founder of SoCal Science Cafe.

I am probably not being very nice to SoCal with this posting,  but if you work in computers, in either Websites,
Linux, or Database, or have skills, there is a huge I.T. labor shortage over in Nashville, Tennessee and also Minneapolis, Minnesota right now.  
   You can get top bux and the companies are falling all over themselves to give out raises and bonuses etc.  Also the companies will give you very employee-friendly workplace policies, overtime, plenty of benefits, and more paid work than you can handle. 

   I just had 3 or 4 job offers to choose
from a month ago and i now am working two full time perm jobs in computers over here.  Plus, houses are available over here starting at just $77 per square foot.  And gas is as low as $3.29 per gallon in some places here in Nashville.  Cost of living is very cheap.

  Just thought I'd spread the word for anyone out there who's looking for a job!


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