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Science Cafe TV, and Stomping Grounds

From: Dr. Brian H.
Sent on: Monday, April 23, 2007, 2:43 PM
Hey Everyone!  This is Brian Hart, your Science Cafe host.  Have a few other quck announcements:

Science Cafe TV
  For those who haven't heard, YouTube is an online site -- -- where everybody can post streaming video of themselves and broadcast themselves over the Internet!
  It got me thinking.
We have so many members -- over 400 -- from all over the SoCal area now. And you keep writing in, saying that topics are interesting, however, people aren't always able to come! So how about "Science Cafe TV," where each Science Cafe event is streamed by online video onto YouTube, and posted for members to view later? And with segments featuring me, where I take your calls about Astrophysics and other science questions.
Would You Watch Science Cafe TV? Vote Here! |
Where do you Live?
I'm curious -- where is it that members live anyways these days?  How big of a crowd do we have in San Diego?  How about Pasadena, or L.A.?  I know how many folks live in Orange County -- that's the whole reason Science Cafe events still get held down here!  Want to see an event in your area?  Then support your stomping grounds!  Make sure and mark the choice for where you live, so I can get more events over to where you are!
Where Do You Live?  Tell Me Here! |
Well, that's all I have for today!  Happy Monday!
Brian Hart

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