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Re: [alternativeenergy-224] Corporation Commission Candidates

From: Susan C.
Sent on: Monday, March 26, 2012, 1:03 PM
Hi Robert,
    Are you still online? I was just thinking of you over the past few days, and wondering if you are still willing to help me get wires into my ceiling for drop downs to my outlets in my house? I am willing to pay you for your time, or find a way to barter. I have good news. I will be teaching in Indonesia for the next two years. I have to get my house ready for renting out, and I definitely want to make it safe electrically, as well as more efficient energy wise. I need to do the wiring in the ceiling before I add more insulation. It is still cool in the mornings, and I have this week off for spring break. I thought I had your cell phone number, but I lost my old phone and probably your number with it.
My cell is[masked]. My home number is[masked] and my address is 826 N. Irving Circle.
Please email me or call me as soon as you get this and if you are available, willing or know someone else who can help me, Please let me know. Also, can I give you the $15.00 to donate to the three candidates?
Susan Campbell

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 12:29 PM, Robert Bulechek <[address removed]> wrote:
There are three pro-solar candidates running for AZ Corporation Commission this year. Two, Paul Newman and Sandra Kennedy, are running for reelection, and Marcia Bushing is running for the first time. The AZ Corporation Commission is the most important division of government in Arizona making energy policy.

All three need $5 contributions to qualify for AZ Clean Elections funding. Please visit:

and make a $5 contribution to help these candidates prevail in the next election.

Unless there are at least 3 pro-solar commissioners on the 5 member commission, the future of renewable energy policy in Arizona is at serious risk.


Robert Bulechek
Twitter: @RobertBulechek

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