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Welcome to our group!

From: HGMoses
Sent on: Monday, September 7, 2009, 6:30 PM
Thank you for becoming a member of the Sound-Vibration-Overtones-Harmony Group.

My approach to facilitating includes these ideas: experience trumps conceptualization, education without application is missing the point, and there should never be a dull moment. I like books with many photos and diagrams and teach accordingly. I encourage group interaction, healthy debate and allow for many differences of opinion. Our goal is not to know it all, rather to lean into a deeper knowledge.

The events I facilitate are open to anyone who is seriously interested in the topic, therefore I strive to stay 'on topic'. You are encouraged to bring references and links to any sources you wish to quote during our discussions. Your personal experience is highly valued and an important part of our group interaction.

If you have a topic related to our group you would like to have addressed, please email me directly. If you, or someone you know has relevant material to present as a theme for a meeting, please contact me. From time to time we will have guest presenters who charge a nominal meeting fee which is partially used to provide an honorarium.

Many of my presentations are made possible by the Institute of Harmonic Science, a 501c.3 non-profit educational organization. You are always welcome to donate time, talent or resource to our outreach efforts.

Members may invite a guest to try a meeting once before becoming a member. If you see a class is nearly full, please confirm by email that you will be bringing a guest. Any member is welcome to bring literature and contact information regarding products or services they provide whether on topic or not. There will be a literature table where materials can be displayed for networking after the meeting.

Many of you are signed up already for events - thank you! I will be adding more Meetups in the next few weeks. I look forward to meeting you, and encourage your feedback and comments. Please invite friends who would be interested in our group to join as well.

Harmony, HG

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