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Part-time work for Zoodles

From: Spencer Y
Sent on: Thursday, March 28, 2013, 10:06 PM

I'm passing along a job posting sent to me by someone at Zoodles.   Please contact them directly if you're interested.




Hi Spencer, 

My name is Giselle Berwald and I work at Zoodles as an Educational Content Analyst. I found your group on Meetup and I am hoping you know many native Portuguese speakers in the Bay Area to whom you can pass along this info. 

Zoodles is currently offered in 8 languages and we are looking to expand to 11... including Portuguese. We need to find native speaker who is tech savvy and has early childhood education experience. It's a part-time job that can mostly be done at home, so it's perfect for a stay-at-home parent or student. I'm hoping you can forward the opportunity on to anyone you think might be interested/qualified or post it for your group. 

The craigslist job posting can be seen here:

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me, and if you know the perfect person, please connect us! 

Thanks so much for your help, 

[address removed]

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