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From: Maria H.
Sent on: Sunday, January 19, 2014, 3:36 PM

The year that ended was successful and we strive to even be better this year. We will continue to provide a wholesome family environment through our activities . Thank you to the 2013 Christmas Party Committee and to all who attended our Christmas Party last year. We had a great turn out and met a lot of new families.

Moving forward into the new year, we have a few changes to better serve our members.

1. New Sponsor - I would like to welcome Marilyn Poland of Primerica Inc. as our new sponsor. Marilyn will cover the annual dues of $145.00 needed to run our meetup group. In the last four years my business paid for the meetup dues. This allows the members to join SEVFAF FREE of charge. Thank you to those who appreciated my efforts and to those who supported my business through their referrals. Let us support Marilyn Poland and her business the best way we know how. Marilyn hosted our Halloween Party meetups and paid for majority of the Halloween Haunted House last year costing $800.00. She provided us with 7 chafing dishes for the Christmas party and more. She is a generous and a helpful member of the group.

2. Event Coordinators (EV) - Members have been assigned to organize monthly meetups. EVs will create, promote and organize the events. Two members per monthly event is preferred. We still need help in running our monthly meetups. If you would like to help with any of our upcoming events, please reply to this email.

Stay tuned for upcoming events and attend as many meetups as possible.

Thank you.
