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Additional organizers?

From: Kat F.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 6:17 PM
Hi everyone,
I'm Kat, I recently took over organizing this new Meetup group for Jeremiah, and I'm really excited about meeting everyone. Currently my work schedule makes climbing time limited, as well as a finicky back that keeps acting I'm checking if anyone wants to step up and be named a second organizer. The fees for the group have been paid, your role is simply to plan meetups and let everyone know about them. Easy, huh?

Of course I'll be planning a few of my own, but diversity of king, and I'm sure everyone is available at times that I just can't make it.

Let me know if you're interested, and I'll set it up. In the mean time, where does everyone live mostly? For the sake of planning meetups and possible carpooling situations...

See you on the rock!


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